
 Took a couple weeks break from discord and did some life management to figure out why I wasn't accomplishing any tasks or goals.  

Realized that one of the big problems was distractibility, lack of concentration, poor motivation, and low energy. 

First thing I did was shave off discord cause I noticed how much I mindlessly use it without actually getting much done. The obessive channel checking, chat checking, no good cooks were being dropped anyway, and i had others slotting gpus for me so I said fuck it school is way more important so are my finances, my car, and getting a job. 

I kept focusing on what i DONT want to do, but it wasn't helping. I wanted to focus on how to get myself to do the things i WANT to do. 

I also noticed that my setup in the office was counterproductive having a big PC capable of gaming, and all this gaming gear, my microphone setup, fancy lights, etc. When I went into my office my brain didn't know what to do: are we working on school? making music? playing games? chilling on discord? I needed to divide the space.  

I also listened to the Freedom soundcloud podcast. I think I stumbled on it in my email or in the freedom app or something. Regardless it gave me reminders to being productive like prioritizing tasks by Value, timing my work, setting an actual schedule to follow, and setting blockers. 

Speaking of blockers, blocking reddit during work hours also helped a lot. I kept mindlessly visiting and browsing reddit. Obsessively. Like I couldn't stop even though I knew it was hurting me. Thankfully Freedom app came to the rescue. 

It's funny that even when I know a sit is blocked, I'll still keep visiting it out of habit. 

I also noted how I had a hard time doing portions of a project per day. I was thinking in extremes, and felt like I had to dedicate and entire day or week to a project to get it done. I spent entire days and nights researching & browsing cars. Same with other projects I got into like my taxes or school: I'd cram or go all-out, putting off everything else I need to do in life. 

After the trainwreck that was the last speech I realized I need to stop cramming. I needed to find a way to do parts of different tasks each day. I need to find a way to be balanced since life isn't going to wait for me to finish task A to get to task B and C. I got to do parts of all three simultaneously. 

So I started with Xing discord, blocking redddit, moving my non-work gear, listening to productivity podcast, oh and GROUPING. 

Grouped Similar tasks and project together so I could schedule them easier. So instead of 6 different reselling tasks I had "reselling work" and then had the subtasks with different ones prioritzed. So out of the 6 subtasks only 2 might need to be done today, etc.   

It also gives me a space to be locked into a mode of thinking for a longer period. Easier to do similar tasks back to back than keep switching around. This allows me to schedule a time for resell work, or school stuff, or finance stuff, etc. Made my list a lot easier to look at.  

Lastly, I notice that weed kept stunting me. It became most apparent this morning that I was sober for awhile and felt the initiative to text this girl from my class, and she quickly replied, but I had smoked and lost all enthusiasm to respond. couldn't think of what to say. Then I forgot all day.  

I was like, okay this weed is definitely the biggest part of my scatterbrainedness and poor motivation. I recalled how it ALWAYS stunted my social motivation. This has got to go. 

So I started giving myself time in the morning to be sober and get shit done. I definitely start withdrawing by lunchtime, especially if I didn't eat, but having that sober window allows me to think clearer and do those things that High Andre wont. I slipped up and took a few puffs on some of the mornings and it definitely hindered my productivity to an undesireable level. Especially wax, cause it makes me sleepy and super munchies. 

I should really keep stepping towards being more sober, it's really going to help me do the things I want to do. 

But now I'm here and I look forward to doing tomorrow better. I'm using my office strictly for school, job searching, reselling, or finance stuff. High-value tasks. I made a schedule tomorrow and will see how it goes. Eventually I want to set deadline, and make specific times for bullshit tasks. 

I plan to mainly focus on jobhunting, reselling, and managing my finances for the rest of the week. Then come June 1st I want to schedule time for fulfilling activities like dance, fitness, and music. Plan to strategize this to work through my anxieties and infamiliarities. 

I wanted to be in this mindset in April, I'm a bit late, but I'm here. I want to stay organized, structured, disciplined, and reminded of my goals and what skills I have available. I was gonna say something else but forgot. Guess I want to stay balanced, and keep ascending. 
